This function calculates a child’s age and indicates the ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 questionnaire intervals.
To use, enter the questionnaire administration date, the child’s birth date, and the number of weeks premature.
To determine weeks premature, subtract the child’s gestational age when born from 39 weeks (full-term pregnancy). You may also subtract from 38 or 40 weeks if that is your program’s definition of full-term.
If you are still using the first edition of ASQ:SE, you can use this calculator to determine the child’s age. Then, refer to the ASQ:SE age administration chart to select the appropriate questionnaire interval.
For additional help or questions, please complete the ASQ Calculator Technical Support Form.
This function calculates an adjusted score for an ASQ questionnaire when items are missing. Adjusted scores do not penalize children for unanswered items.
To use, choose the screener (ASQ-3 or ASQ:SE-2) and enter the total score and number of items missing. For ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires, enter the questionnaire interval. Click Calculate.
ASQ-3 areas cannot be scored if more than two items are missing. ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires cannot be scored if more than three items are missing.
If you are still using the first edition of ASQ:SE, you cannot use this calculator to determine adjusted scores. Please refer to page 40 in the ASQ:SE User’s Guide for instructions.
For additional help or questions, please complete the ASQ Calculator Technical Support Form.
Screen with ASQ—even when you can’t see families. ASQ Online can help you keep vital screening services afloat.